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Octavi Pujadas Millor interpretació


Miriam Victoria, Barcelona. Cristiana Bini, Roma

Miriam Victoria, Barcelona. Cristiana Bini, Roma

Cristiana Bini, presideix el jurat de la categoria de curtmetratges, format per Lorena Rojas directora del Festival de cinema Entredosmundos de Florencia, Miriam Victoria directora de Barcelona TV, productora i directora de cinema, Bilyana Raeva directora del Festival de la Creu Roja de Sofia i Massimo Terranova director i guionista de cinema.

These are the motivations… Sorry if I send them only at the last minute before the awards ceremony without giving you the opportunity to correct them…

A cheerful satire against the abuse of cell phones made using a very effective histrionic splatter genre.

BEST MUSIC to Constanza Massa – Just a coin AR
A music that merges completely with the traffic noises, transforming the soundtrack into the film’s common thread.

Bilyana Raeva. Sofia.

BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY to Adrià Domínguez – The last battle SP
An evocative cinematography that contrasts the cold-colored atmosphere of the hospital with the warm-colored one of the place of memory, dragging the spectators from the current storyline to that of 70 years ago…


BEST PRODUCTION The last battle SP
An ambitious project in which the historical scenes are cared for down to the smallest details, from the scenography to the costumes.

BEST ACTRESS ex aequo to Cristina García – Trolling SP / Carmen Asecas 180 Degrees SP
We couldn’t help but reward both of these wonderful actresses who give us two very different characters of modern mothers with two different desperations and two very different ways of loving their children…

Lorena Rojas. Florència.

BEST ACTOR to Octavi Pujadas – Just A Bullet Away SP
An intense actor capable of moving from squalid desperation to anger, amazement and a cynicism he doesn’t even believe in, always winning the public’s favor.


BEST SCREENPLAY to Jordi Calvet San Jose – Just A Bullet Away SP
An interesting narrative arc that leads the protagonist willing to do anything to no longer be a failure in the eyes of his daughter, up to a mocking ending…

BEST DIRECTOR to Uriya Hertz – Revived IL

Massimo Terranova. Roma

The director delicately tells this love story using a series of details and nuances that drag the viewer into a game of gentle seduction and attraction while maintaining the measure and avoiding any lapse in style until the end, also using the two well-acted protagonists looks more than their words and making us walk alongside them in an unprecedented nocturnal Jerusalem.

A dark film all about women with three generations and their unresolved conflicts, daughter, mother and grandmother described with great accuracy and forced to face yet another case of violence against women, in a completely unconventional way that perhaps allows them to rediscover that family dimension lost for a long time.


L’equip de Ens ataquen d’Albert Nualart de Terrassa, recullen el Trofeu de Girona a Millor Curtmetratge.

L’equip de Ens ataquen d’Albert Nualart de Terrassa, recullen el Trofeu de Girona a Millor Curtmetratge.

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